If you didn't please go back and pre-follow. It is critical to making sure the KS algorithm treats us well. Yes, it will help, even if you don't get the book.
There. Now I can brag about the mainstream coverage we've gotten in Bleeding Cool! Probably the second most prestigious comic site on the whole dang internet!
We would not be here without each and every one of you. That is a responsibility that I take seriously. I’m constantly pushing myself creatively, but it has become painfully clear to me that greater success breeds greater obstacles.
You may have noticed that the last few kickstarters have taken significantly longer than normal. I certainly have, and I don’t accept it. Here’s why it’s happening, and what I’m doing to fix it.
Why So Long Between Issues?
The fact of the matter is that in a scant five years my comic career has gone from ONE 44 page double issue to this:
It’s absolutely the third best thing to ever happento me (Behind marrying my wife and having my son) but the fact is, I’m not simply sending you SWZA issue by issue anymore. With THREE DIFFERENT series, a graphic novel and a TON of super-high quality merchandise…I and Autonomous Collective have hit a wall.
This is a very small operation, and most of the heavy lifting is done by me. The orders we have are so large and intricate that between con appearances, kick-starters, writing new issues and being a full-time dad and husband, I can't depend on volunteer labor.
Meaning I need to either hire someone to help me, OR pay a contractor.
However, this requires money. Money I don’t have. I could try to find a high-paying job, but if I do that I may be able to pay for fulfillment help, but THEN that job takes over my life and I have to slow down writing, funding, and publishing new issues.
So it’s a horrible catch-22: If I solve the money problem, things stay slow. If I keep throwing everything into doing it alone things *still* stay slow.
The answer to one problem makes the other problem worse.
Now, I don't ever take anything lying down...so I've spent the last few months working towards a solution, that’ll work for everyone. Here it is:
I have started a Patreon. Technically I’ve had one for a while but never did anything with it because I was so focused on the kickstarters and didn't really have a reason to ask for monthly support.
However, now I do and so--that changes today.
The puzzle that I’ve been trying to solve is that I need regular, predictable income to supplement the kickstarters, and I need to do this WITHOUT piling more and more work on my plate.
ie: It doesn't make sense to get money to fulfill campaigns faster, if I have to work so hard on it those campaigns still stay slow.
As Patreon allows individuals to engage in mutual aid to creators they support with a set monthly amount, you can keep me going, get some really cool benefits AND get your books sooner.
The money from this Patreon will be used to speed up fulfillment for everyone.
AFTER Durruti #2 fulfillment finishes, the express fulfillment kicks in.
Starting with NPCs #1, SWZA #5, and Durruti #3 those who give $5 or more per month will get their books FIRST regardless of how complicated their order is.
For the price of less than a single cup of coffee you can help me, yourself, and most importantly, keep the life, deeds, and story of one of the world's most effective anti-fascists alive as a critical battle between fascism and liberty grows nearer.
I am aiming for $4000 a month eventually, but $500 is my goal for the month of January. As there are more than 600 of you wonderful folks, if each and every one of you of you pledges just $1 we’ll sail past that by tomorrow morning.
Thanks for everything. There are some really big announcements on the way. Keep an eye on this page.
Durruti #3 IS HERE! EXCLUSIVE COVER REVEAL + Durruti #2 Update
about 2 months ago
– Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 03:21:38 PM
Thank you for so much for your support.
First off, I have been working dilligently to finish the insanely complicated fulfillment of Durruti #2's final stretch (More on that below). HOWEVER, well...you all know what happened last week.
With the looming specter of fascism growing both at home and abroad, I have been wracking my brain to find how to best foster solidarity in the present and hope for the future. The answer to that, for me, is to continue telling Durruti's story. As such, consider this a first glance at the much-awaited official announcement for Durruti #3's kickstarter campaign!
Here's the much-awaited cover reveal, and it's honestly my single favorite cover of all time:
Now, I know what you're all thinking: "WTF is The INFINITY GAUNTLET doing in a comic about Durruti?" The answer is...well, when I was first writing Durruti, during my research I found out that Franco was an absolute NUTCASE (big surprise).
In particular, during the Spanish Civil War, Franco carried around the actual severed hand of a SAINT like it was the f%*king nuclear football! He took it everywhere he went. He slept with it under his pillow. He literally died clutching it.
The hand in question was the hand of St. Theresa De Avila and...well I'd probably better just show you. Here it is:
When you add on that Durruti is quite literally "The First Avenger" and he had a real-life "crossover" with Nestor Makhno...a literal winter soldier, well. This right here was the moment that I decided the universe wanted me to tell Durruti's story, and to tell it specifically as a comic.
The book itself is gorgeous but there's just no way I can print it without your support:
As such PLEASE pre-follow the campaign. It takes a second and even if you're hard up for cash, this is a free way that you can help in the collective work of telling Durruti's story to generations who will otherwise forget about it. We're also reaching people who don't read musty history tomes like me.
All you have to do is click the link below (or on any of the images) and then click "Notify Me". It takes five seconds. Shares are also helpful and appreciated. Then come back here for the Durruti #2 update.
Hey folks, welcome back. If you are one of the people who still hasn't gotten #2, it's likely that you're one of the many "one off" orders that I've been grappling with.
To be honest, the collective has grown to such a degree over the last few years (thanks in large part to your support) but one of the really difficult things is to keep all the plates spinning.
Working on THREE series instead of ONE, has stretched my personal energy and resources has increased the challenge exponentially. As such, Durruti #2 fulfillment has taken way WAY longer than I ever anticipated. People say between "Good", "Fast" and "Affordable", you have to pick two. No project can actually do all three...and boy did I learn that.
Between supply chain issues, inflation, cons, and the responsibilities of a husband and father to a six-year old boy, it has taken me longer than I consider acceptable.
However, considering just how many times life has pulled the rug out from under me during the last 2-3 years...I'm doing pretty well. FURTHER as many of you already know, when I go down, I never stay down. Not metaphorically and not literally. No matter how hard I'm kicked to the floor, I always get up and I'm always ready for more.
That said, there is a fix that I'm implementing. You will likely hear about it in my next update, so keep an eye out for that one as it will tell you precisely how you can make sure that you (and everyone else) gets their books sooner.
In the meantime please bear with me. If you have any questions about your order, message me or send an email to SnowWhiteZombie at G00g13 mail d0t com. If you want to wait until you know your package is inbound to pledge, that's okay...but either way, please pre-follow. I cannot express just how important it is.
-Brenton & Autonomous Collective
Durruti #3 campaign inbound + SWZA & NPCs Updates + The Burning Maid
3 months ago
– Wed, Oct 09, 2024 at 03:35:30 PM
Hey Comrades!
First off, in case you missed the last update: Thanks to YOUR help & support, my other series (SWZA) had its THIRD Ringo Nod! Here we are, at Baltimore Comicon, one of the seven finalists for 2024!
Ultimately, we lost out...to JEFF FRIGGIN' SMITH of BONE.
As he's one of the greatest living cartoonists in the whole damn world (if not of all time) I'm beyond overjoyed that our scrappy little book is becoming the cultural powerhouse it deserves to be.
Back in 2019, no one in comics even knew who we WERE. Now, just a few years later we're getting real recognition and that's due in large part to you guys!
This only spells out good things for Durruti, as while we were not able to get him nominated this year, being in the final SEVEN will only make future nominations easier, and help more people learn about Durruti and his historical legacy.
Durruti #3
So, when I last checked in, I said we were done all of the Durruti fulfillment except for the "weird" orders...at the time I didn't realize that there were 120 weird orders!
That is absolutely NUTS but also a testament to you as the books supporters.
Please bear with me, as the project has grown beyond Autonomous Collective's ability to do everything on our own. I've been working behind the scenes on a fix for this, and the best part is, if this works, you'll be able to get your books MUCH sooner (whether you lend additional support us or not)
In the meantime I want to show you a bit of just how deep this book is. I'm talking Elden Ring levels of lore and specificity, except, in terms of Durruti's story, the lore is actually TRUE:
This is Poblenou Cemetery in Barcelona. Literally a 1-1 recreation. Notice Esteban Solomero taking his hat off as they pass a certain grave?
That is the grave of Francesc Canals i Ambrós AKA "Santet del Poblenou" Or the "Little Saint" of Poblenou)
Canales was the son of a blind rug salesman, and quickly gained a reputation for being a good person and was well-known for his mutual aid work. It was also said that he could predict the future: he reportedly saw his own death coming, and was responsible for several other "little miracles" always performed to aid Barcelona's downtrodden.
All those letters are from people who make pilgrimages to his grave to honor him and ask for aid themselves. As such, I thought there was no way our characters wouldn't show deference to the boy's memory.
The book is FULL of this stuff, and the lore and history only gets deeper as we get further in, so look for it.
SWZA #5 Production COMPLETE:
For once I got something done early digital versions of SWZA #5 will be going out over the next few days, and the book will go to the printer after Durruti #3 launches!
If you backed my THIRD series, you'll be happy to know that the book is now FULLY COLORED and is entering production. Took twice as long as I thought it would, but then I remembered: "Oh yeah, I actually made that a double issue!"
So, some of you may or may not know, but my editor Andrea Molinari is a huge part of why my books are so good. He's got a new issue of his own acclaimed horror/supernatural series: "The Shepherd".
and well, I'll just let him tell you about it:
"Hello! I’m Andrea Lorenzo Molinari, and I’m Brenton’s editor. You are familiar with my work even though you probably don’t know it. That’s because I work behind the scenes on all three of his series: Snow White Zombie Apocalypse, Durruti: Shadow of the People, and NPCs: Myth, Magic, & Retail. This effort is no burden because, like you, I am a fan of Brenton’s work.
Today I am coming to you to ask for your support on a Kickstarter campaign I’m running for my series graphic novel series The Shepherd.
The Shepherd is a guide of souls in the afterlife. If you’re wondering what my stories are like, let’s just say that my favorite book of all time is Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. So if you like ghosts and redemption stories, I’ve got you!
You heard him folks! Andrea's solo work is as top of the line as his editing, and I'm personally excited about this newest chapter. PLUS if you comment "Lengel" on the page, he'll send you a FREE digital bonus comic from the same series: The Burning Maid! Sample page BELOW.
WE DID IT! RINGO NOMINATION SECURED! + Durruti & NPCs Update + Masala Wala Chai
5 months ago
– Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 09:30:49 PM
Hey Comrades been a while,
So first of all I want to thank you for supporting my work, both via this kickstarter, and by voting for us at the 2024 Ringos.
WE DID IT! Snow White Zombie Apocalypse has been nominated for "Best Humor Book!"
Thank you so much, while I'm disappointed that we didn't ALSO get Durruti in there, this nomination ensures that we will have a better chance come 2025!
Durruti #2 + #3 Update:
So, Durruti #2 Fulfillment has continued to chug ahead. I have sadly been so busy between cons, kickstarters, and fulfillment that it has seriously delayed the fulfillment process.
That said, the vast majority of Durruti rewards have been mailed out. It's now only the single one-off orders that are delaying things.
In the meantime I am working on a secret project to get these books out faster. No I'm not going to tell you what it is yet, so keep your eyes out for the NEXT update!
In the meantime, here's some more incredible Durruti work!
So, to let you know how accurate I'm striving to be, everyone in this page is a real person who really fought in the spanish civil war (besides the Guardia Civil). You know both Franco and you MIGHT know Goded, but you probably haven't heard of Esteban Salamero or Antonio Ortiz Ramirez
Both were actually spanish anarchist, both fought with Durruti, and Antonio not only survived the revolution, her lived *until 1996*
Both lived absolutely insane, remarkable and somewhat tragic lives, especially in Esteban's case, and sadly there are no pictures of him.
As such, I mashed them up, paying homage to BOTH freedom fighters while keeping the story on-track no matter how tempting the rabbit holes.
I was thinking of the project as one book, when in fact I realized too late that we were in fact making TWO books PLUS several more pages? Turned out to be harder than we had anticipated. Still, the work we're getting back is absolutely PHENOMINAL:
Still, my loss is your gain, because this is SO FREAKING GOOD I can't even.
We're currently on the last few pages that need to come back colored, after which time it will enter a phase of lettering and production. The book SHOULD be ready shortly after Durruti #3 launches.
So, this is not comics related, but by now you guys know how my ADHD brain works (or rather doesn't :P)
If you're on my mailing list you may already know, but my good friend Holly has launched her first kickstarter (with my help) and guess what? SHE'S FUNDED!
Holly studied authentic chai making in India, and her chai is absolutely exceptional.
She has less than only 58 hours to go, so now's the perfect time to pop over and grab yourself some of it, and/or some of the really awesome recipes and benefits she has available:
As such, go pledge to Holly NOW. Don't wait, don't finish reading this update, pledge to her and then return!
So, this is not so much a preview as it is a preview of a preview. So, I have a patreon, and as you can see, I haven't done anything with it (Yet).
One of the things that I have been working on, is a way to get these comics to you sooner WHILE providing a decent level of benefits that DON'T require a huge investment of time, when I should be making comics and sending them to you.
As such, keep an eye on this and y other pages because there are TWO major changes coming soon. I can't tell you what they are YET. But here's the thing: You're gonna love it AND it will help get my comics to you much faster, so everybody wins!
If you want to pledge now, I will be giving everyone who pledges early either a free digital comic OR one of the upcoming SWZA challenge coins. You will get more details over the next few days.
Thant's it for now,
All hands on deck! Durruti at the Ringo Awards + Secret Preview Drop!
8 months ago
– Thu, May 23, 2024 at 06:02:47 PM
Hey folks,
I'm FINALLY over the SWZA #5 hump. Finishing Durruti #2's fulfillment and launching Durruti #3 is now my main priority.
I have something REALLY COOL I want to show you, but we have
The Ringo Awards are the sucessors for The Harvey Awards. They are a BIG deal. SWZA has already been nominated twice, and we have a real chance to not just get Durruti nominated, but get the book to WIN.
This will raise Durruti's profile IMMENSELY in the comics world and put the series on the map for mainstream readers:
So vote below, then come back.
In whatever categories Durruti isn't in, feel free to put in SWZA or any other comics you want to support:
The Ringos are by popular vote and voting ENDS TONIGHT 5/23/24.
If we get another nomination and even a win that would be HUGE for the series. Don't finish reading this, go vote now.It takes less than 5 minutes.
Suggestions below I have also included a suggested list of creators so you can just cut and paste for the other categories at the bottom.